With our 'parent' organization World Systems Solutions. We invite you to take action locally and if you choose, globally. As we organize together, we hope that you can feel that your efforts are important and that everything that you can do can be scaled in our community and beyond. We invite you to our weekly meetings at 9am at the local Rapid City library on Mondays. The most up to date information for meetings is on our WhatsApp. We invite you to email us at [email protected] for most up to date meeting information and the WhatsApp link.
If you are unable to make it to the meetings, you are welcome to 'report out' to the chat on how your efforts are going so we can all stay in sync with one another.
If you can record the steps that you take for any area of your life to come into climate crisis resolution, we invite you to record it (in word/excel/etc) and share it with us so it can be duplicated by others. As an example, if the master gardeners group creating a step by step guide to getting a garden started in Rapid City, with where to purchase supplies like hail netting - they could have lists from easy and affordable to more expensive and elaborate. If these lists are collaborated on by other groups or even businesses for the common good, we could enhance their benefit to the community. The first step though is creating the lists and sharing them.
If you are a church and you organize youth groups or congregations, making lists and sharing how you are impacting the community would be of great benefit. Learning how the congregation is understanding the climate crisis or what questions or interpretations people have are all things that as a community we can learn from together. How are churches organizing to keep from ecosystem and societal collapse in the near term?
We can no longer operate in silos if we want to make the biggest impacts. On a global scale, we invite you the quarterly EmpowerED Summits on Redesigning Education to Map to Global Sustainability or to join weekly calls with diverse groups and speakers on Fridays through zoom. These calls allow us to learn from others in climate solutions realms and to better understand the solutions and challenges many face. The more we can have a multidisciplinary view of the solutions, the more likely the solutions will have long term success with less short-sighted unintended consequences.
Next steps:
1. Consider where you can benefit climate crisis solutions
2. Write down the steps you are taking, what has been successful, how could what you are doing be scaled to other groups in other states?
3. Is there anyone locally that would be good to collaborate with? To learn more about their work? Bring them into a Monday meeting.
4. Consider expanding conversations and impacting global efforts: email [email protected] or fill out the volunteer form to connect.
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NationBuilder Support published this page 2023-12-09 11:58:09 -0700